
Machine translation is a valuable tool for cost-effective and fast translation, but the quality of translation output can vary. Our Machine Translation Quality Estimation feature automatically assigns quality score for machine translation output in real-time based on past performance. This helps in identifying content that does not need human translation or post-editing, significantly reducing translation costs.

Our Automatic Linguist Selection feature helps choose the best qualified translator for any given project, ensuring faster and better translations. Whenever a project manager creates a new translation task, Memsource will generate a list of suggested linguists that have experience working with similar documents. In approximately 70% of cases the project managers will choose a linguist from the list recommended by the AI.

Machine translation is a valuable tool for cost-effective and fast translation, but the quality of translation output can vary. Our Machine Translation Quality Estimation feature automatically assigns quality score for machine translation output in real-time based on past performance. This helps in identifying content that does not need human translation or post-editing, significantly reducing translation costs.


New in ServiceNow Store!

Teach your ServiceNow platform to speak the languages spoken by your international employees to:

  • make your Service Portals more accessible for them
  • engage them with high-quality content in their first languages
  • unite them into a thriving community without language barriers
  • reduce HR and internal support workload by improving the self-service experience


Make your Service Portals multilingual

  • Instant translations of Service Portal, Knowledge Portal, Service Workspace Portal, Employee Center content into 100+ languages
  • Ability to choose what content should be translated
  • Customizable translator widget UI (user Interface)
  • Multilingual search and retrieval

Constantly improve translation quality

  • Direct feedback from ServiceNow users helps fix translation issues
  • Automatic MT provider selection from the 30+ MT options available and output fine-tuning with glossaries, entity protection, tone of voice, and more
  • Optional selective post-editing can be implemented depending on the traffic, user feedback, or type of content

Translate 20x more with your budget

  • Usage monitoring to see what content is translated the most, into what languages, and how much you spend on machine translation
  • No double-spending on recurring content thanks to the translation cache feature


  • An Intento MT Hub for Community Content subscription
  • ServiceNow Rome or ServiceNow San Diego
helping global companies translate efficiently