A cloud computing and virtualization technology company has California-based headquarters and clients worldwide speaking different local languages. Their team needs a reliable MT solution to provide accurate product documentation and their complete toolkit to these global clients. The translations produced must be equally quick and dependable no matter the language pair or localized context to deliver their high standard of service to every client.
As another obstacle, they often receive questions and requests from potential clients in unknown languages. To maximize their global outreach, the company needs a way to accurately translate these conversations and provide professional quality feedback.
Using the Intento API integration, the company is able to utilize two different providers to deploy the best-fit models for all 23 language pairs through a single program.
To manage client requests in unknown languages, Intento implements a language detect feature. This provides precise translation without having to specify the original language of the request. The mystery language is automatically detected and translated into the project manager’s language.
The software company is now empowered to deliver product features to all global clients with universal speed and professionalism using pre-trained models.
Intento solves their problems with just one integration. They now get all the desired providers for best-fit language solutions curated for their platform without limitations.
The time saved and lack of hassle has allowed headquarters to focus on growing their business while their localization efforts perform better than ever.