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Boost your content workflows with Language Skills at Intento GenAI Portal

Daria Sinitsyna

Lead Computational Linguist at Intento

We developed the Enterprise GenAI Portal to help you easily add AI into your content workflows to automate repeatable tasks and boost productivity across the company. With built-in Language Skills and carefully selected language models, it’s your secure place to use AI safely and efficiently.

The GenAI Portal tailors content just for your needs. With its built-in and custom Language Skills, you can adjust the tone of your emails, blog posts, internal documents, and policies. You can also adapt messages for different audiences, channels, and styles (for example, shorter for Slack or more detailed for emails). And even rewrite content in various languages, considering regional dialects and cultural aspects.

Built-in Language Skills for improved strategic focus

Here are just some examples of how our Language Skills help solve typical content issues in different teams:

  • Concept explanation: Simplify complex ideas for wider audiences. Technical writers can transform jargon-heavy product guides into user-friendly manuals, while financial advisors can break down intricate concepts into easily digestible client materials.
  • Article summarization: Extract key information from lengthy documents, allowing executives to digest 50-page reports in minutes or enabling content marketers to transform long-form articles into engaging social media posts.
  • Terminology Extraction: Automatically select important terms from research papers, legal documents, or industry reports to create detailed knowledge bases for specialized areas. This will help develop standardized vocabularies, making communication more precise and accurate in technical fields.
  • Adaptation to US English: Quickly tailor content for the U.S. market by applying various English variants to American conventions. Marketing teams can effortlessly adjust campaigns, changing “colour” to “color” or “lift” to “elevator,” ensuring consistency across all materials.
  • Rewrite in specified tone of voice: Maintain brand consistency across various platforms by rewriting content in specific tones. Communications teams can adapt formal press releases into conversational blog posts or tailor customer service scripts for different demographic segments.
  • Remove gender bias: Promote inclusivity in corporate communications by identifying and suggesting alternatives for gender-biased language. For example, HR departments can craft job descriptions that appeal to a diverse candidate pool, fostering equal opportunity in recruitment.
  • Bilingual terminology extraction: Simplify your translation projects by automatically finding and collecting industry-specific terms from documents in different languages to build consistent glossaries and keep terminology uniform across all languages.
  • Shorten UI strings: Optimize user interfaces with concise, impactful microcopy. Product designers can reduce lengthy button labels or error messages to fit mobile screens without sacrificing clarity, enhancing overall user experience.

These basic Language Skills help save time on repetitive tasks so your team can focus on strategic planning and creative work. Plus, you can use your own custom skills! Choose from over 20 LLMs, including the most advanced GPT-4, Gemini-1.5-PRO, and Claude-Sonnet-3.5, to build the skills that precisely match your tasks. You can experiment with different models, compare performance, develop skills optimized for speed to process large datasets quickly or nuanced context understanding, and address specific business challenges with targeted AI solutions.

How are Language Skills better than prompts?

Our GenAI portal enables saving your favorite prompts as Language Skills and making them one-click without a need to browse your history and copy, paste, and edit old prompts. Also, the available library of built-in Language Skills enables you to work easily with different types of texts without much setup or technical expertise. Simply input your text, apply the skill, and get the desired result.

The GenAI Portal meets your enterprise standards

  • Enhanced security and data protection: We’ve partnered with each integrated Large Language Model (LLM) to ensure that your content remains secure and isn’t used for model training.
  • Transparent AI usage and cost management: Track AI usage and user expenses and set your budget commitments to avoid unexpected costs.
  • Access to verified, high-performance language skills: Equip your team with tested, built-in Language Skills that enhance productivity and improve overall company performance.

The Enterprise GenAI Portal helps your team immediately apply AI to their current projects, driving innovation and improving performance across the board. Fill out this demo form to learn more about the GenAI Portal, and our team will provide a personalized onboarding session to help you get started.

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